For infant children on up to first grade please contact the parish office (313-928-1324).
If your child is in 2nd grade or older and has not been received Baptism, then you must contact the Coordinator of Faith Formation (313-382-1818), and discuss the steps that you need to take to help your child receive Baptism and the other sacraments appropriate to the age of your child.
If you are not registered at the parish at the time of the first appointment, we will register you and begin the process.
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
For children in 3rd grade or above who have not made their first Confession and/or not received their First Holy Communion, please contact the Coordinator of Faith Formation (313-382-1818).
Reception of First Holy Communion requires the successful completion of a two year preparation program. An official copy of the child's Baptismal Certificate from a Catholic parish or certificate of reception into the Catholic Church are required.

For children who are in high school but who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact the Coordinator of Faith Formation (313-382-1818). Candidates must have been baptized and have received their First Holy Communion to be confirmed. Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation requires the successful completion of a two year preparation program. An official copy of the child's Baptismal Certificate from a Catholic parish or certificate of reception into the Catholic Church are required.
Allison Accardo
Coordinator of Faith Formation